
Device, Writing Night; Research and Development Status Report, September 1947; U.S. Natick Laboratories Office of the Comptroller Review and Analysis Division; Status and Progress Reports of Research and Development Projects 1944-74(Box 3, Entry# UD-6); Records of the United States Army Materiel Command, Record Group 544; National Archives at College Park, MD

Behavior of Flies, Behavior of Mosquitoes ; Research and Development Status Report, September 1947; U.S. Natick Laboratories Office of the Comptroller Review and Analysis Division; Status and Progress Reports of Research and Development Projects 1944-74(Box 3, Entry# UD-6); Records of the United States Army Materiel Command, Record Group 544; National Archives at College Park, MD

Knife, Fork, and Spoon, Nesting; Quarterly Technical Progress Report of Quartermaster Research and Development 30 Sep 1948; U.S. Natick Laboratories Office of the Comptroller Review and Analysis Division; Status and Progress Reports of Research and Development Projects 1944-74(Box 3, Entry# UD-6); Records of the United States Army Materiel Command, Record Group 544; National Archives at College Park, MD

Individual Heating Devices For Clothing and Personal Equipage; Quarterly Technical Progress Report of Quartermaster Research and Development 30 Sep 1948; U.S. Natick Laboratories Office of the Comptroller Review and Analysis Division; Status and Progress Reports of Research and Development Projects 1944-74(Box 3, Entry# UD-6); Records of the United States Army Materiel Command, Record Group 544; National Archives at College Park, MD

Flags, Durability, Improvement of; Quarterly Technical Progress Report of Quartermaster Research and Development 30 Sep 1948; U.S. Natick Laboratories Office of the Comptroller Review and Analysis Division; Status and Progress Reports of Research and Development Projects 1944-74(Box 3, Entry# UD-6); Records of the United States Army Materiel Command, Record Group 544; National Archives at College Park, MD
最後になりますが、これは旗の生地素材についてです。前までは旗の素材は100パーセントウールだったそうです。悪天候の際にはサイズの小さいコットン地のstorm flagというものに変えていたようです。ウール100パーセントからナイロン75パーセント、ウール25パーセントにすると従来のものより3倍から4倍長持ちし、また天候が急に悪くなってstorm flagに変える時間がない時も持ちこたえ、しかも洗濯もできるという優れた素材だそうです。