
Left: Gas shortage hits bus companies in Japan. Buses running in tandem to save gasoline are a common sight in Tokyo, Japan. 4/1/1947. No. 280765, Box 537.
Right: Japanese board a charcoal-burning bus in Tokyo, Japan. 10/10/1946. No. 281907. Box 541.
Both photos are from RG111SC (Records of Signal Corps WWII and After photographs), National Archives in College Park, MD.

Upper Left: A Japanese carrier a load on the ’Tenbinbo in Tokyo, Japan. 10/10/1946. No.281910.
Upper Right: Japanese pulls a loaded trailer on his bicycle in Tokyo, Japan. 10/10/1946. No. 281913. Box 541.
Bottom Left: Japanese women transport straw-bags in a two wheeled trailer (“Rear-car”) in Tokyo, Japan. 10/10/1946. No. 218912. Box 541.
Bottom right: A Japanese pulls a large load on his two wheeled cart in Tokyo, Japan. 10/10/1946. No. 281914. Box 541.
All of photos are from RG111SC (Records of Signal Corps WWII and After photographs), National Archives in College Park, MD.

One of many posters put up in Japan during the present safety drive conducted to help stop many traffic accidents, is shown in the heart of Tokyo, Japan. 4/11/1946. No. 244180. Box 406. RG111SC (Records of Signal Corps WWII and After photographs), National Archives in College Park, MD.
1945年9月2日の米戦艦ミズーリ号の日本の降伏調印式の日ですでにこの映画館は映画を上映していたことがわかります。また左の写真は、1946年10月17日付けのもので、日比谷映画館は日本人専用の映画館としてビング・クロスビーの「我が道を往く」(原題:Going My Way)が上映されており、朝から夜中までたくさんの人々で賑わっていたことがわかります。この映画は1944年に作られたもので、ニューヨークの下町の小さな教会に副牧師として赴任した若い神父が、劇団や聖歌隊を作って教会を盛り立てていこうとする話で、アカデミー賞にもなりました。

Left: Japanese civilians waiting to get into a Tokyo movie theater on the day of the signing of the peace. 9/2/1945. No. 210913. Box 288.
Right: Playing to capacity crowds at the Hibiya Theater, Tokyo for the past six weeks and still going strong is Paramount’s “Going My Way” starring Bing Crosby. This theater in the heart of Tokyo is “Off Limits” to US Tropps and used exclusively for Japanese audience. Lines, blocks, long, form as early as 8 am daily for 12 o’clock showing and continue forming, rain or shine, throughout the day. The Mereve reads: Going My Way-Record Breaking Masterpiece 7th Academy Award Trophy Starring Bing Crosby Supervised by Leo McCarey. 10/17/1946. No. 281890. Box 541.
RG111SC (Records of Signal Corps WWII and After photographs), National Archives in College Park, MD.

Upper left:Display of Political pasters on Ginza Street, Tokyo, Japan encouraging Tokyo residents to participate in the April 10th election for members of the House of Representatives, Left to Right: Cooperative party, Social Democratic party, Liberal party, Progressive party, and Communist party. 3/30/1046. No. 239635. Box 390.
Upper right:Japanese woman explains platform of Cooperative political party to Lt. Jan Marie Roest, Women’s sub-section CI &E, SCAP, as stated on the political poster they are reading on Ginza Street, Tokyo, Japan. This is one of many political posters displayed along the Ginza encouraging the Japanese public to “go to the polls” on April 10th. House of Representative Election Day. 3/30/1946. No. 239636.
Bottom:Political posters, right on Ginza Street, Tokyo, Japan appealing to the Japanese people to “go to the polls” and participate in the April 10th election for members of the House of representatives. Posters at left encourage women to vote. This will be the first election in the history of Japan in which women were allowed to vote. 3/20/1946. No. 239637. Box 390.