米国の女性参政権が正式に成立したのは、アメリカ合衆国憲法の修正第19条として、1919年6月4日の議会での可決、そして、正式に批准されたのは1920年8月18日のことでした。今年は、ちょうどその100年目に当たります。しかしながら、女性の参政権を獲得するまでには実に長い道のりがありました。米国の女性参政権の歴史に関するサイトはたくさんあると思いますが、特に米国議会の下院に歴史資料サイトの中の、女性の権利の歴史がとても参考になります。(参照:The Women’s Rights Movements, 1848-1920: https://history.house.gov/Exhibitions-and-Publications/WIC/Historical-Essays/No-Lady/Womens-Rights/)
下記の写真は、1871年1月11日に当時の女性参政権獲得に向けて積極的に活動していたオハイオ州出身のヴィクトリア・ウッドハル (Victoria Woodhull)という女性が、初めて米国議会の下院の司法員会で女性の参政権の必要性を訴えた時の様子を描いた資料です。

Photo No. 208-PR 14M-4: Congress, US-Committee Hearings: Washington, DC-The Judiciary Committee of the House Representatives receiving deputation of female suffragists January 11th Victoria Woodhull, famous feminist reading her argument in favor of women’s voting on the basis of the fourteenth and fifteenth constitutional amendments. RG 208 (Records of War Information) Entry PR, Box 21, National Archives in College Park, MD.
” The First Woman to Address a House Committee“(https://history.house.gov/Historical-Highlights/1851-1900/The-first-woman-to-address-a-congressional-committee/)のサイトにおいてもこのヴィクトリア・ウッドハル (Victoria Woodhull)について紹介されています。
翌1872年に彼女は、最初の女性大統領候補者となり、副大統領候補は、メリーランド州出身で当時の奴隷廃止運動家であったフレデリック・ダグラス(Frederick Douglass)でした。(参照:Victoria C. Woodhull : https://ohiohistorycentral.org/w/Victoria_C._Woodhull)
私達の米国での活動拠点はカレッジパークの米国国立公文書館での様々な資料調査及び収集事業ととともに、もう一つは、そこに隣接しているメリーランド大学のホーンベイク図書館内のプランゲ文庫コレクションでの資料収集事業です。そのホーンベイク図書館の前には、そのフレデリック・ダグラスの像があります。(参照:University of Maryland Dedicates Fredrick Douglass Square to Honor Maryland’s Native Son: https://umdrightnow.umd.edu/news/university-maryland-dedicates-frederick-douglass-square-honor-marylands-native-son)

Left: Photo No. 208-PR-14M-1: Suffragette Parade on Fifth Avenue, New York in 1912: RG208 Records of the Office of War Information, Entry PR, Box 21 at National Archives in College Park, MD. Right: Photo No. 208-PR-14M-3: Hay Wagon in Suffrage Parade in 1913: RG208 Records of the Office of War Information, Entry PR, Box 21 at National Archives in College Park, MD.

Photo No. 165-WW-600A-2: Bastille Day spells prison for sixteen suffragists who picketed White House in Washington, DC in July 14, 1917: File Unit: Women's Activities-Suffrage-Washington DC 1917-1918. Series: American Unofficial Collection of WWI Photographs, 1917-1918, RG165 Records of the War Department General and Special Staffs, 1860-1952: https://catalog.archives.gov/id/45568320

Photo No. 165-WW-600A-7: Suffragists picket White House in Washington, DC in 1917: File Unit: Women's Activities-Suffrage-Washington DC 1917-1918. Series: American Unofficial Collection of WWI Photographs, 1917-1918, RG165 Records of the War Department General and Special Staffs, 1860-1952: https://catalog.archives.gov/id/45568330

Photo No. 165-WW-600A-15: Woman suffrage headquarters in Washington, DC in 1917: File Unit: Women's Activities-Suffrage-Washington DC 1917-1918. Series: American Unofficial Collection of WWI Photographs, 1917-1918, RG165 Records of the War Department General and Special Staffs, 1860-1952: https://catalog.archives.gov/id/45568346

Photo No. 165-WW-600A-22: Suffragists at the Union Station, Washington, DC: File Unit: Women's Activities-Suffrage-Washington DC 1917-1918. Series: American Unofficial Collection of WWI Photographs, 1917-1918, RG165 Records of the War Department General and Special Staffs, 1860-1952: https://catalog.archives.gov/id/45568346

Left: Photo No. 86-G-1E-1: Tabaco Plant on 1/19/1922: Many women were employed in facilities particularly in the Tabaco industry. RG86 (Records of Records of the Women’s Bureau), Entry G, Box 1 at National Archives, in College Park, MD. Right: Photo No. 86-G-7A-7: International and Arms Company. Bloomfield, NG where YMCA has Industrial War Service Center. Women operating punch presses. No belt protection afforded on 1/8/1919.

Left: Photo No. 86-G-2K-3: Hooker Electric and Chemical Company. Women constructing concreate forms. Lighting and conditions poor. RG86 (Records of Records of the Women’s Bureau), Entry G, Box 2 at National Archives, in College Park, MD. Right: Photo No. 86-G-5L-7: Me-bed springs Haggard and Marcusson. Women standings and clamping and polishing springs. RG86 (Records of Records of the Women’s Bureau), Entry G, Box 5 at National Archives, in College Park, MD.

Left: Photo No. 86-G-5F-5: Katakura Company, Hawaii. Girls preparing pineapples for canning on 11/0/1928. RG86 (Records of Records of the Women’s Bureau), Entry G, Box 5 at National Archives, in College Park, MD. Right: Photo No. 86-G-5L-7: Navy Yard. Women rivet heaters and passers on Puget Sound, WA. Ship construction work on 5/29/1919. RG86 (Records of Records of the Women’s Bureau), Entry G, Box 5 at National Archives, in College Park, MD.

Photo No. 165-WW-600D-3: Day Nursery organized for the purpose of caring for tots whose mothers worked in munition plants , Newark, NJ on 6/6/1919. Series: American Unofficial Collection of WWI Photographs, 1917-1918, RG165 Records of the War Department General and Special Staffs, 1860-1952: https://catalog.archives.gov/id/45568425