広島と長崎への原爆投下から78年目の夏を迎えました。昨年2月24日に起こったロシアによるウクライナ侵攻は、ロシアの核兵器の威嚇とともに、現在も続いており、「ノーモア、ヒロシマ、ノーモア ナガサキ」という言葉に託された、この世界から、核兵器を廃絶するという切実な願いからは、はるかにかけ離れている現実に、私達は絶望的な思いをしてしまうこともしばしばです。それでも、私達は、原爆体験を含めてあの戦争体験を学び続け、いろいろな形で未来に残していく努力をしていかなければならないと思っています。

Left: General view of Hiroshima Japan as seen from vicinity of “Zero,” above complete devastation as result of atomic bombing. March 1946. Photo No. 3A-49430. Box 201.
Right: General view of the city of Hiroshima, Japan, showing damage wrought by atomic bombing. March 1946. Photo No. 3A-49431. Box 201.

Left: General view shows atomic bomb damage of a portion of Nagasaki, Japan as seen from a hillside opposite the Nagasaki Hospital. In the far background may be seen the Mitsubishi Steel Works. October 1945. Photo No. 3A-49432. Box 201.
Right: View of wrecked and rusted Japanese machinery at Nagasaki, Japan. October 1945. Photo No. 3A-49437. Box 201. All of 4 photos from Record Group 342 (Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations) 1900-2003. National Archives in College Park, MD.

Above: Shown is Dr. Nagai, Medical Instructor and Z-Ray specialist at Nagasaki Medical, a victim of atomic radiation caused by the bomb. A few days after this photo was made the victim passed away. Scene is near hillside which leads to Prison. Nagasaki, Japan. 9/8/1945. Photo No. 3A-49434. Box 201. Record Group 342 (Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations) 1900-2003.
上記の写真のキャプションには、この写真が撮影された数日後に、永井博士は亡くなったとされていますが、それは完全な誤りです。永井博士は、9月に入ってから、体調を崩し、一時は傷口からの出血も止まらず昏睡状態を繰り返し、危篤状態まで行ったので、その情報をもとに、当時の米軍はキャプションに書いたのだと思います。しかしながら、その後、博士はその危機的状況から奇跡的に脱出し、引き続き闘病生活をしながらも、被爆者の救援活動をしたり、研究及び執筆活動を続け、1951年の5月1日に43歳という若さで亡くなりました。(参照:長崎市永井隆記念館サイト:https://nagaitakashi.nagasakipeace.jp/japanese/stories/1.html )

All of 4 photos from “Physical Damage: Nagasaki”1945. Record Group 342 (Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations) 1900-2003, Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities, 1947-1984, No. 342-USAF-11016. National Archives in College Park, MD. NAID: 5716258.

Above:Record Group 342 (Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations) 1900-2003, Series 342USAF Master card, No. 11000 to No. 11090. Unedited motion picture footage of Atomic Bomb damage to Hiroshima and Nagasaki as filmed by the US Strategic Bombing Survey (USBBS) 1945-1946, Box 1.

Above left: A victim of the atomic bomb raid on Hiroshima, Japan, is treated at the Hiroshima Red Cross Hospital for burns on head, shoulders, and arms. 9/12/1945. Photo No. 212341. Box 293.
Above right: Japanese soldiers and civilians watch American war correspondents as they inspect damage done by atomic bomb in Hiroshima, Japan. 9/12/1945. Photo No. 212342. Box 293.
Bottom left: Japanese victims afflicted by the atomic bomb are treated by a Japanese doctor with the help of two assistants at the Red Cross Hospital in Hiroshima, Japan. The injuries sustained were mostly fierce burns. 10/14/1945. Photo No. 231367. Box 325.
Bottom right: A three-year-old Japanese girl, her head bandaged as a result of burns suffered in the explosion of the atomic bomb at Nagasaki, Japan, plays in the ruins of her house. 9/29/1945. Photo No. 290036. Box 570. All of 4 photos from RG111SC, Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, Photographs: Signal Corps Photographs of American Activity, 1900-1981. National Archives, College Park, MD.

Above left: The first atomic bomb was dropped from B-29 plane on the Japanese military base of Hiroshima 8/5/1945 (8/6 Japan time). The skeleton of a streetcar still remains standing on the tracks. Photo No. 254400. Box 443.
Above right: The first atomic bomb was dropped from B-29 plane on the Japanese military base of Hiroshima 8/5/1945 (8/6 Japan time). The stump of a tree still remains standing amid debris. Photo No. 254402. Box 443.
Bottom left: Atomic bomb destruction as depicted by captured Japanese film (No. 1 of eight pictures).
The world’s most destructive missile, the atomic bomb, struck Japanese city of Nagasaki on the island of Kyushu, and for the second time in its history (Hiroshima being the first target) annihilated everything within radius of many miles. Survivors went their way through desolate areas surrounding the bomb strike. August 1945. Photo No. 210680. Box 287.
Bottom right: Atomic bomb destruction as depicted by captured Japanese film (No. 4 of eight pictures).
The world’s most destructive missile, the atomic bomb, struck Japanese city of Nagasaki on the island of Kyushu, and for the second time in its history (Hiroshima being the first target) annihilated everything within radius of many miles. Victims of the bomb were thrown clear of a tramcar in which they were riding and deposited in a ditch near the track. August 1945. Photo No. 210683. Box 287.
All of 4 photos from RG111SC, Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, Photographs: Signal Corps Photographs of American Activity, 1900-1981. National Archives, College Park, MD.